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Gardening Class

정원 디자이너와 함께하는 조경


유럽의 도시에서는 반평도 안되는 베란다에 화려한 꽃과 나무가 피어납니다. 컨테이너를 이용한 베란다 정원은 고대 그리스인들이 즐기던 정원으로 지금도 그 맥이 도시 베란다 정원으로 이어지고 있습니다.  이 정원 강좌는 최신 유럽 베란다 정원의 노하우를 배우고 나무 컨테이너에 직접 식물을 가꿔보며 나만의 작은 베란다 디자인을 배우는 유익한 시간이 될 것입니다. 


We have continuously created gardens since our civilization was formed several thousand years ago. Our built environment has changed through the processes of urbanization after World War II not only in Korea and also across the world. Amidst such urbanization, we lost domestic gardens, and our use of green space decreased alarmingly. However with such change there now are growing interests of in gardens and gardening more than any time in the human history. There are new rising forms of gardens such as city farming, urban container gardening, green walls and indoor garden. The series 10 lectures by Kyungah Oh brief you on what garden culture is, the history of gardens, the differences of garden-making between the East and the West and she will also give you some tips on how we can create gardens in an urban built environment.

Kyungah Oh started the study of garden design and landscape architecture in the UK 6 years ago. Now she is doing Ph.D study in landscape architecture in the University of Essex, UK. She has worked in the ‘Kew’ Royal Botanic Gardens for the study of gardening for a year and she then graduated with a Masters Degree in landscape architecture with Merit in the University of Essex. Her two books, ‘Moderate garden (2009)’ and ‘Promenade in English Gardens (2010)’ were published by Design House in South Korea and she has designed several domestic and commercial gardens in South Korea. Recently she worked as an art director for the exhibition, ‘A City Farmer’s Day (30th March – 26th April)’ organized by KCDF. 

GARDEN VIEW: 2012.10.10

Reservation only
TEL. 02) 796.9347 PH. 010.2336.7371
ADDRESS. Foreign Residence 54C,101-40 Itaewon1Dong,Yongsan-Gu,Seoul,140-201,Korea

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